Tuesday 8 May 2012

Introductory Post

The first week of spring semester is one of uneasy nervousness combined with the expectation of academic overexertion. Although I have taken spring courses in the past, this semester seems surreal; effort will no longer be devoted to long nights before examinations but steadily throughout the semester in the form of personal blogs.

My excellence in academia stems from a strong sense of urgency I acquire the night preceding a test. This semester, with constant deadlines and a regular schedule of deliverables, I fear that urgency could dissipate resulting in lower performance.
A flexible academic schedule does allow for a better work-life balance. Currently working for an oil company, I am expected to work 40 hours per week. Although my job provides me with economic freedom, the time I devote to studying is often limited. I look forward to a semester where this impediment is eliminated.

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